Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dad's Updated Every Once in a While, but Really Not That Often Blog

Well here we are with yet another blog from another unknown person. Most of the people reading this will probably get to it from either my wife's or my own Facebook page. So they will have some interest in some of the topics that I am going to talk about.

So what am I going to talk about you ask? That is a good question and one that I don't have the answer to. So why did I start this blog if I don't know what I'm going to talk about? Also a good question. The answer to that would probably be best broken down into parts, which I will do so now.

First of all I have recently been given a great deal more free time from my present assignment in the Navy. I'm sure that I will probably talk a little bit about that in the near future. Second part would be the jealousy that I have over the great success of my wife's blog that she has started. It focuses on issues dealing with parenting and the required young ones that go along with it. Third part is that I really like to make fun of life. People take themselves and what they do too seriously if you ask me. So I fully intend to point out and make fun of many of the things we read and learn about.

So that's it for now. Just the quick intro today. I'm already tired and need to take a nap from ALL this typing that I did. I'll have to work myself up to the big long posts. Later.